Green Potatoes
- I know that raw green potatoes are toxic.
- Lyn
- The green part is toxic as it contains more solanine then the other part of the
potato. Even the potato itself contains a very small amount of that toxin.
- Gerard
- The poisons in potatoes are aflatoxin and solanine. Solanine is
concentrated in the eyes and skin of green potatoes, both can
effect the nervous system.
- Janar
- When the potatoes grow under the ground, sometimes one will expose it's self. Cover this
with dirt or the sun will burn it and that part will be green. Some say that part is toxic but
I am still here. I eat them anyway possible. Raw, baked, fried, boiled and with the skins
on. If the green sun burnt potato was toxic, I sure wouldn't be here now.
- Clipper
- I do not remember off the top of my head what the actual name of the poison
is, but it seems to me that it is a derivative of arsenic. Basically, it is only
harmful in large (and I mean large) quantities. There is nothing you can do to
reduce its concentration in the potato. You can only do this by consuming
greater amounts of other foods, like additional vegetables, or make sure that
the green potatoes in your meal are minimal in comparison to the good ones.
- Roger
- Indeed, the potato like the tomato or cucumber is part of the
nightshade family. If you eat enough of these plants you will get
poisoned. There were four guys killed by eating five plates of
mashed potatoes. These were biological potatoes, which have
more solanine in themselves. This is why they are more resistant
against decreases. So the point is, don't eat to much of these
plants at once. Give your body and your liver a chance to clear
the mess up.
- Jeroen