When I read this same page some time ago I was also concerned about the availability of Oxygen to breath. My
concern was for the mentioned brief periods during which one side of the planet will have the oxygen to some
extent burned off. I assumed the danger time to be hours to several days.
My thoughts to date have been:
- Have a storage bottle of compressed oxygen. Possibly dual purpose as part of an Acetylene welding rig.
- Have a hydroponics setup growing "Chlorella", "Blue-green algae" or etc. that I can bubble carbon dioxide
rich indoor air through, that will in turn provide oxygen rich air.
- Be prepared to electrolyze water into hydrogen and oxygen. Would use this only if I had plenty of electrical
power. Pipe the oxygen into the survival quarters. Keep the hydrogen and the electrolysis process outside.
Could use the hydrogen for cooking or heating if there is enough oxygen in the outside atmosphere to burn it.
Must be handled with care. Hydrogen and oxygen mixed is extremely explosive. If worried about the dangers
then just vent the hydrogen off to the outside air. With a lot of shaking going on this will probably be the norm.
- Keep an eye out for a chemical powder or liquid that I can mix as needed to supply emergency Oxygen. This
last one has not been researched yet.
Some brain-storming thoughts.
Offered by Mike.