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Board Meeting

August 17, 1997

The meeting was conducted on NetMeeting, and was called to order and proceded according to the published agenda. Whiteboard contents during the meeting were the scheduled Agenda, the Accounting Method, and the 2 Year Budget. 5 of the 8 active Board members were in attendance, a quorum - Clipper, Diane, Gerard, Nancy, and Ron. All votes were unanimous, more than the 50% of the active board required by the Bylaws.
1. Approval of Accounting Method presented by the Treasurer.
AMENDED: Revenue and Expenses to be detailed.
NOTE: Income Statement corrected to show Expenses, not Liabilities and Equity (web prep error).
Accounting Method as presented, and as Corrected.
2. Approval of 2 Year Budget as presented by the President
AMENDED: Professional Services and Project expenses are a Projected Statement.
AMENDED: separate columns for Year 1 and Year 2.
2 Year Budget as presented, and as Amended.
3. Approval of Quicken SE as accounting application.
AMENDED: electronic sharing by exporting to an Excel format, .xls
NOTE: Ron and Clipper, who have Quicken, will take Quicken format for sharing