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Board Meeting

Feb 26, 2008

The meeting was called to order via email on Feb 20, 2008. Those attending: Roger, (chairing President), Gerard, Steve, Mary, and Nancy.

Agenda Item 1: Minutes of Last Meeting - Approval
- Since there were no objections, the Minutes of the last Board Meeting were considered ratified as correct.
Agenda Item 2: Annual Elections – Congradulations
- Roger congradulated the Officers and Board on their selection.
- Since there was no contest, an election was not held.
- Roger is continuing as President, Gerard as VP, Nancy as Secretary/Treasurer, and Mary and Steve as board members.
Agenda Item 3: Projects Review – Report by Roger
- Roger reported inventory holding well with 200 CDs and 100 booklets. PayPal funds are adequate to address any need for reprinting booklets or burning CDs.
Agenda Item 4: Admin Reporting - Report by Nancy
- Administrative reporting requirements were outlined by Nancy to include the State of Deleware, the State of Wisconsin, and the IRS.
- Computation of Net Worth and Revenue was detailed, with expenses listed.
Agenda Item 5: Adjournment
- The meeting was adjourned on Feb 26, 2008 with no further coments from the other board members.