Board Meeting
November 28, 1999
11/28/99 12:17:12 PM,Nancy,We now have 5. When either Shirley or Clipper arrive, then we have a quorum.
11/28/99 12:17:43 PM,Ron,Clipper must be having a problem getting into NetMeeting.
11/28/99 12:18:26 PM,Nancy,I think we can call the meeting to order, and get a report from Ron on his radio classes for the Board Log, as Clipper is on the radio team, as is Jan, and are familiar, etc.
11/28/99 12:18:36 PM,Roger,Hello everyone. Sorry I'm late.
11/28/99 12:18:49 PM,Nancy,The Board Meeting will come to order. We are missing a couple members expected soon.
11/28/99 12:19:08 PM,Gerard,(Michel) I tried to use CU See Me to get into the netmeeting channel, but it sadly doesn't work. I thought it was possible though.
11/28/99 12:19:25 PM,Nancy,We have a busy Agenda. The first item is a report from Ron on the status of his Short Wave as Internet classes. Ron, ready to take it away?
11/28/99 12:19:39 PM,Ron,Ok
11/28/99 12:19:39,Ron,A new egroup list was formed and so far we have 12 members. A chat was scheduled for 18:00 yesterday but not attended. I have polled the members for a time to meet for chat.
11/28/99 12:19:40,Ron,I think the radio instruction will go well as there has been a very good response. End of Report.
11/28/99 12:19:40,Ron,Clipper is waiting for Gerard to pull him in.
11/28/99 12:19:41,Nancy,As I pointed out in the Agenda, this is one of the prime listed objectives of the corporation, and has the potential to be the ONLY functioning short wave as internet network in the world.
11/28/99 12:19:41,Gerard,(Michel) I noticed not every has answered the poll on tt-radio.
11/28/99 12:19:42,Gerard,I pulled Clipper in so he might join any minute now.
11/28/99 12:20:38,Nancy,From what I understand from Ron, packet radio is used, but its use is spotty and done as a hobby, more or less, not as a functioning world wide network, which this promisses to be!
11/28/99 12:20:48,Roger,I'm not getting postings and since Netscape and ICQ just died, I'm going to reboot. BRB
11/28/99 12:20:54,Ron,The poll results will not be released until it is closed.
11/28/99 12:21:23,Nancy,I open the floor to discussion on Agenda Item #2, how to list our operations or offerings. I'm going to bring Shirley up to date. Take it away, discussion on #2
11/28/99 12:23:41,Gerard,(Michel)
11/28/99 12:23:42,Ron,Well, I think the video should be made available to anyone who requests it.
Ron, I am working on the concept of internet through radio, where the computer and radio are integrated as one small portable-sized system. What do you think about this? It would be great for organisations like the red cross, next to this it would be great for the aftertime. The technology exists to do this.
11/28/99 12:23:46,Nancy,Since there does not seem to be discussion, and this requires a vote, I'll defer and move to Item #4. Michel, what do you think about separating our video projects: Geson's short, my Solution Sets, Ron'
11/28/99 12:24:01,Nancy,Ron's woods survival, and your educational approach?
11/28/99 12:24:13,Gerard,(Michel)
11/28/99 12:25:29,Gerard,
I will discuss this with you in email Ron, I don't want to disturb the meeting too much.(Michel)
11/28/99 12:25:46,Clipper,I am here finally
Everything is possible, and seperating the subjects has the benefit that we can give every subject quite an amount of attention, more than would be possible when it all was covered in one video.
11/28/99 12:26:00,Nancy,I likewise think that Geson's vide should be made available to any ORGANIZATION that wants it. If we say anyone, will private individuals want one, at $5 each? Should we sell it to private individuals, at cost, but give to organizations?
11/28/99 12:26:11,Gerard,the ICQ didn't work for you Clipper ... don't know why
11/28/99 12:26:28,Gerard,(Michel)
11/28/99 12:26:33,Clipper,Don't know
History of pole shift, signs etc. as one video. then survival and preparation with techniques by Ron etc. as one video etc. etc.
11/28/99 12:26:55,Ron,Yes, free to organizations and at cost to individuals.
11/28/99 12:26:59,Gerard,So I called your IP number
11/28/99 12:27:07,Clipper,Thanks
11/28/99 12:28:04,Gerard,(Michel)
11/28/99 12:29:22,Nancy,We have a quorum, so can vote! There is discussion on giving the film clip short to organizations (mailing with letterhead) for free, private individuals at cost ($5). Also, please review the format of my suggested reworking of hte home page to put Operations as a button, and suggested format (radio classes and film clip, to start). A motion on these issues?
Can I have some feedback on my response for the separating video subjects? If necessary.
11/28/99 12:29:36,Nancy,These are separate issues, and should have separate motions, etc.
11/28/99 12:29:48,Clipper,Shirley is also on email with me.
11/28/99 12:30:37,Gerard,(Michel)
11/28/99 12:30:54,Nancy,Clipper, that's great news! I'll stop, etc.
I motion that.
11/28/99 12:31:09,Ron,I move that we give the film clip short to organizations (mailing with letterhead) for free, private individuals at cost ($5).
11/28/99 12:31:12,Gerard,(Michel)
11/28/99 12:31:40,Nancy,Michel, yes, your summary is correct. Also a 3rd option, which is a Solution Set video, my concept and also one of the corporations prime objectives.
I motion all, they are good items and will work.
11/28/99 12:32:25,Nancy,Michel has made a motion that the suggested format for the Operations button on the home page is a good one. Do we have a second on that motion?
11/28/99 12:32:45,Ron,I second Michel's motion
11/28/99 12:32:58,Gerard,(Michel)
11/28/99 12:33:53,Nancy,We have 3 items being discussed and in need of a vote 1. the Operations button/page on home page, per Agenda Item #2, 2. offering Geson's clip at $5 (cost) to individuals and free to organizations, 3. separating the video projects further - Michel's, Ron's, Nancy's as discussed.
Can you explain the solution set concept a bit?
11/28/99 12:34:26,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded to accept the Operations format as outlined in Agenda Item #2, All in favor say Yes, opposed say No.
11/28/99 12:34:27,Nancy,Yes
11/28/99 12:34:37,Ron,yes
11/28/99 12:34:45,Gerard,yes
11/28/99 12:34:47,Clipper,yes
11/28/99 12:35:23,Jurian,(if I'm allowed to vote), yes
11/28/99 12:35:35,Gerard,your are not allowed to vote
11/28/99 12:35:39,Gerard,only lurk :)
11/28/99 12:35:44,Jurian,ok :)
11/28/99 12:36:11,Nancy,Michel, the Solutions Set video project, which is not yet on the Grant Proposal page as an accepted project, would video such things as purging worms, saving seed, making windmills from car parts, etc. distilling water. Would involve filming sites that have such things in operation. I'll write it up, along the lines of the corporations objectives statement.
11/28/99 12:36:12,Roger,Yes.
11/28/99 12:36:13,Clipper,Awaiting Helens reply by email
11/28/99 12:37:03,Ron,back in 2 minutes
11/28/99 12:37:36,Roger,BTW, I am still only seeing posts from Nancy, Clipper, and Gerard. I see Jurian's posts as well.
11/28/99 12:37:44,Nancy,To clarify the discussion between Ron and I re the film clip distribution. We got pricing from video dup places in Madison at $5 apx for both NTSC and PAL. This is for a quantity of 100 or so, price goes down slighlty for larger quantities.
11/28/99 12:38:21,Nancy,Roger, you're missing Ron? I'll post a repeat, then, of his.
11/28/99 12:38:32,Nancy,(Ron said) I move that we give the film clip short to organizations (mailing with letterhead) for free, private individuals at cost ($5).
11/28/99 12:39:59,Roger,I'll second Ron's motion.
11/28/99 12:40:56,Clipper,Nothing from Shirley yet
11/28/99 12:41:16,Gerard,Nothing from Michel yet on IRC.
11/28/99 12:41:44,Clipper,I no longer see Nancy
11/28/99 12:42:02,Gerard,Me neither
11/28/99 12:42:21,Ron,I'm back. Nancy's computer crashed and she is re-booting. Nancy asks if Gerard is saving the log.
11/28/99 12:42:23,Roger,She's not on the conference list.
11/28/99 12:42:29,Clipper,Yes, to accept the operation format as outlined in Agenda Item 2.
11/28/99 12:42:34,Gerard,I am saving it
11/28/99 12:44:09,Ron,Nancy asked me to open discussion on the item of Gift Pool closure and start the voting.
11/28/99 12:44:51,Clipper,I think it is a good idea to shut down the Alaska bank. It is no longer needed.
11/28/99 12:45:48,Ron,The basic issue is that maintaining two bank accounts and the costs involved in transfer of money warrant closure of the Gift Pool account with donations directed directly to the checking account.
11/28/99 12:45:49,Clipper,Nancy is back
11/28/99 12:46:16,Ron,Is there any further discussion on this item?
11/28/99 12:46:32,Clipper,None here
11/28/99 12:46:53,Ron,Will someone make a motion to that effect?
11/28/99 12:46:56,Nancy,I've heard from Ron that Agenda Item #2 passed, #3 has been discussed, and I'm assuming that #4 is ready for a motion and vote.
11/28/99 12:47:05,Clipper,I make a motion that we close down the Alaska bank.
11/28/99 12:47:06,Gerard,No response from Michel yet about the vote from #2
11/28/99 12:47:37,Nancy,Gerard, #2 passed without his vote, as we actually have 7 here, 6 for a quorum.
11/28/99 12:47:37,Ron,I second Clipper's motion
11/28/99 12:47:45,Gerard,ok Nancy
11/28/99 12:48:09,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded to close the Gift Pool and amend the Bylaws as outlines in Item #3. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No.
11/28/99 12:48:13,Nancy,Yes
11/28/99 12:48:19,Gerard,yes
11/28/99 12:48:19,Ron,yes
11/28/99 12:48:25,Clipper,yes
11/28/99 12:48:29,Roger,Yes.
11/28/99 12:48:46,Nancy,Awaiting Michel and Shirley's vote.
11/28/99 12:49:07,Clipper,Awaiting Shirleys reply
11/28/99 12:49:33,Roger,Item #4 was motioned and seconded as well.
11/28/99 12:49:34,Nancy,Moving onto completing #4. Michel and Ron, are you comfortable with separating the current Poel Shift video project into 2 projects, and adding a 3rd for Solution Sets?
11/28/99 12:50:24,Ron,I am comfortable with 3 separate video's.
11/28/99 12:50:28,Gerard,Nancy, Michel is on IRC but he doesn't respond
11/28/99 12:50:40,Nancy,What would we call them all? The current one has Michel's story board, and except for a mention about Ron, is the content of Michel's project. I suggest that both Ron and I put together our own projects for the Board's review next month, and we vote to also Michel's by making it an educational video, exclusively.
11/28/99 12:51:26,Ron,I agree with Nancy's suggestion.
11/28/99 12:51:27,Clipper,I think that would be a good idea
11/28/99 12:52:08,Nancy,OK, I missed that Roger. A motion has been made and seconded to put separate video projects on the Grant Proposal page 1. Geson's as done, 2. Michel's as currently outlined, 3. Ron's for woods survival with a pole shift twist, 4. Nancy's Solution Set focus. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No.
11/28/99 12:52:48,Gerard,yes
11/28/99 12:53:09,Ron,yes
11/28/99 12:53:13,Clipper,yes
11/28/99 12:53:32,Roger,Yes
11/28/99 12:53:42,Clipper,Yes, to closing down the Alaska Bank and making the necessary amendments bylaws. Very sensible!
11/28/99 12:56:11 PM,Nancy,Yes, and we are voting on separating them, which means pulling Ron from Michel's, not on the content of new proposals which will be reviewed by the board next month.
11/28/99 12:57:58 PM,Clipper,Ron will still supply Michel with information he may need?
11/28/99 12:58:41 PM,Ron,What information? Survival video material will be separated.
11/28/99 12:58:56 PM,Nancy,Awaiting Shirley's vote on #4. Moving onto #5. I've put together a new budget, in anticipation of significant funding from my film producer's family foundation. I have no reason to doubt that this is coming, and in any case, that our funding will uptick this next year. 3 officers have spent $$ from their own pockets to move our efforts along, and I am proposing that these expenses be reimbursed at some future date. This would ONLY occur when voted upon. #5 is just to add these to the Grant Proposal for Admin & Ops, so that this is possible at some future time.
11/28/99 12:59:01 PM,Clipper,Just checking
11/28/99 12:59:41 PM,Nancy,Clip, I don't know what Michel needs. I think they have a different focus, Michel on history of pole shifts, and Ron on backpacking in the woods, my understanding.
11/28/99 1:00:08 PM,Clipper,Understood
11/28/99 1:00:41 PM,Nancy,Michel's earlier comments on the log indicate he has no problem with that. He wants to do animations and graphics on Mastodons and the like. He'd be very effective at that!
11/28/99 1:01:10 PM,Clipper,Yes, to separating the videos as outlined.
11/28/99 1:01:26 PM,Clipper,Yes he would
11/28/99 1:01:30 PM,Nancy,Ron indicated to me that he only volunteered to do backpacking in the woods kind of stuff. I think once we all talked about our concepts, we realized they were DIFFERENT! Assumptions made, previously, etc.
11/28/99 1:01:52 PM,Nancy,The motion on Agenda #4 passes.
11/28/99 1:02:12 PM,Ron,I have no problem with the budget as presented in Item #5.
11/28/99 1:02:46 PM,Nancy,Did I mention that the motion on Agenda #3 also passed.
11/28/99 1:04:26 PM,Nancy,What Agenda #5 is indicating is that the personal expenses to get the headquarters setup, such as Clipper's out-of-pocket for his personal plane fare and shipping his Miter Box in October ($800 or maybe $855) be reimbursed, at a later date when there is funding.
11/28/99 1:04:39 PM,Nancy,Then we can keep our receipts and the like, in anticipation of such time.
11/28/99 1:06:23 PM,Nancy,This is no different than Jan's motion to reimburse me the 2nd $1,500 for startup, at the time it was accepted by the Board. We have all taken steps to get the headquarters up and cleaned and in reasonable shape, this year, when funding was not at hand. None of the 3 of us are financially set to make contributions of this nature, but moved ahead anyway, out of desire to promote the corporation's goals, etc.
11/28/99 1:09:07 PM,Ron,I move that the changes proposed in agenda item #5 be adopted.
11/28/99 1:09:38 PM,Clipper,I second
11/28/99 1:10:36 PM,Nancy,Perhaps we need to let this jell a bit, and move on to other Agenda items. Item #6 is also related to the anticipation of significant funding. Ron and I took a look at what the Bylaws currently require, getting a bookkeeper if we get a grant of $5,000 or more. This was put into the Bylaws when we had a Treasurer who did NOT want to bookkeep, Since Ron does this well, and Jan is an accountant type, Ron and I feel that an annual audit, needed for the IRS most likely, would be more appropriate.
11/28/99 1:10:37 PM,Roger,What do you second Clipper?
11/28/99 1:11:09,Nancy,Perhaps we need to let this jell a bit, and move on to other Agenda items. Item #6 is also related to the anticipation of significant funding. Ron and I took a look at what the Bylaws currently require, getting a bookkeeper if we get a grant of $5,000 or more. This was put into the Bylaws when we had a Treasurer who did NOT want to bookkeep, Since Ron does this well, and Jan is an accountant type, Ron and I feel that an annual audit, needed for the IRS most likely, would be more appropriate.
11/28/99 1:11:10,Ron,Nancy, a motion has been made and seconded on agenda item #5. A vote is now called for.
11/28/99 1:11:34,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded to expande the Admin & Ops grant proposal to pay for expenses related to maintaining a headquarters, as outlined in #5, when so voted on individually by the Board. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No.
11/28/99 1:11:37,Nancy,Yes
11/28/99 1:11:44,Ron,yes
11/28/99 1:11:49,Clipper,yes
11/28/99 1:12:07,Gerard,yes
11/28/99 1:12:38,Clipper,Awaiting Shirleys reply
11/28/99 1:13:27 PM,Gerard,awaiting Michel's reply
11/28/99 1:13:29 PM,Nancy,My chat froze again.
11/28/99 1:13:36 PM,Gerard,(Michel)
11/28/99 1:13:39 PM,Nancy,Gerard, I'm goint to need you log for sure today!
11/28/99 1:13:54 PM,Clipper,(We recieved an email that Jan is in transit and cannot attend this meeting.)
11/28/99 1:13:58 PM,Gerard,Okay, Nancy I will send it to you
11/28/99 1:14:14 PM,Clipper,Yes Roger
11/28/99 1:14:45 PM,Nancy,I see that Nancy, Ron, Clipper, Michel have voted on #5. Did Roger or Shirley vote on this?
11/28/99 1:15:10 PM,Clipper,Who is unknown?
11/28/99 1:15:42 PM,Gerard,I think that unknown is Nancy
11/28/99 1:16:12 PM,Nancy,The change to the Bylaws suggested in Item #6 is that we state that an annual audit by a CPA or accounting firm (same thing) be done, with a preliminary audit done NOW to ensure that the books are lined up right for the IRS, should we get funding of $5,000 or more in a grant. This seems more in line with what is needed now that we have a proper corporate setting and all.
11/28/99 1:16:48 PM,Nancy,Hum, I had to shut down my chat log, and it then reopened. Maybe so.
11/28/99 1:17:24 PM,Ron,Nancy is showing up just fine in my NetMeeting user's list
11/28/99 1:17:38 PM,Nancy,While we're waiting for Shirley's and Roger's vote on #5, and any discussion on #6 to ensue, I'll start explaining #7, the heavy duty item today.
11/28/99 1:17:56 PM,Clipper,What is your name unknown?
11/28/99 1:18:25 PM,Ron,Item #6 is very important to me as treasurer in that the books must be reviewed as being set up absolutely correctly.
11/28/99 1:18:34 PM,Clipper,Yes, to the proposals as outlined in Agenda Item Five.
11/28/99 1:18:58 PM,Clipper,Agreed
11/28/99 1:18:59 PM,Nancy,My film producer's family has a foundation that gives to nonprofits, and he has informed me that we can anticipate receiving $20,000 a year from them, checks starting in December. I have no reason to feel that this is not sincere. They asked for our federal EIN and address, etc., and apparently their board already voted this in!
11/28/99 1:19:33 PM,Nancy,Did Roger vote on #5 and I missed it? Highly likely.
11/28/99 1:19:44 PM,Clipper,I would assume for this log that unknown is Nancy?
11/28/99 1:19:54 PM,Nancy,Roger, #5? Then I can enter this into the log as having passed.
11/28/99 1:19:55 PM,Ron,I must make a pit-stop ... back shortly
11/28/99 1:20:41 PM,Nancy,I see myself as Nancy, not unknown, but DID have a chat log problem (it froze) so had to kill it and restart. I'm probably unknown
11/28/99 1:21:12 PM,Clipper,Okay, just making sure it is posted here who unknown is.
11/28/99 1:22:13 PM,Nancy,I revamped the Budget, which was a 3 year budget made out in early 1997 for the IRS 1023 form requirement. In fact, it only had admin expenses as real expenses, and all projects were very hypothetical. Now we have real projects, for instance the bermed hut with metal roof project.
11/28/99 1:23:31 PM,Nancy,Assuming the promised funding comes through, and might very likely be followed by other generous contributors, we needed a budget that fit. I put into the budget ONLY those items that I'm aware of as being READY to take funding.
11/28/99 1:24:06 PM,Ron,I am back
11/28/99 1:24:39 PM,Nancy,Did anyone see Roger or Gerard's vote on #5? I'm sure I missed it and want closure on this.
11/28/99 1:25:01 PM,Gerard,For what I know I voted on that
11/28/99 1:26:11 PM,Clipper,Yes, Gerard voted yes
11/28/99 1:26:12 PM,Ron,I see where Gerard voted yes to #5
11/28/99 1:26:12 PM,Nancy,I created links off the Agenda with detail on the cost of budget items. Note we are NOT voting on funding, only presenting this budget for discussion today. For instance, distribution of Geson's film clip would cost about $5 each, for a 10 minute cartridge with sleeve, assuming a free mailing when we get the mailing permit I think we can get as an authorized nonprofit!
11/28/99 1:26:55 PM,Nancy,So assuming a modest request for these clips, $500 per year (100 requests per year) for instance.
11/28/99 1:27:12 PM,Nancy,The motion on Agenda Item #5 passes.
11/28/99 1:27:23 PM,Ron,Is there any discussion on Agenda Item #6?
11/28/99 1:27:57 PM,Nancy,Ron, you can motion that. I can't. I didn't hear any discussion at ALL. Lets try a motion as it is kind of cut and dried.
11/28/99 1:28:21 PM,Ron,I move that the new budget as proposed in agenda item #6 be adopted.
11/28/99 1:28:38 PM,Clipper,I second
11/28/99 1:30:38 PM,Nancy,I also did research on the Bermed Hut with Metal Roof project, as we got $2,000 being held toward that. Ron's concept of buying a pre-fab storm shelter seems the very best. I had a mason come out and quote $8,000 to reset the stones, and concrete would be just as bad, or nearly so. I called numerous roofing and construction places and got quotes that indicated $5,000 for a roof is in line. Storm Shelters go for $2,000 to $3,000, plus delivery of about $500 or so from states south of us. This would also pass Village codes and could be set without uproar here.
11/28/99 1:31:50 PM,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded to amend the Bylaws as outlined in Agenda Item #6, so as to have an annual audit by a CPA or accounting firm, rather than bookkeeping service, when a grant of $5,000 or more is recieved. This includes a preliminary audit of the book structures. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No.
11/28/99 1:31:52 PM,Nancy,Yes
11/28/99 1:31:56 PM,Clipper,So it would be just set in the hole around the stones?
11/28/99 1:32:28 PM,Ron,yes
11/28/99 1:32:33 PM,Clipper,yes
11/28/99 1:32:47 PM,Ron,yes to vote and yes to clipper's question
11/28/99 1:33:03 PM,Clipper,Then earth bermed?
11/28/99 1:33:05 PM,Gerard,yes
11/28/99 1:33:21 PM,Ron,yes, burried in the earth
11/28/99 1:33:30 PM,Clipper,Nice idea
11/28/99 1:33:58 PM,Nancy,Clipper, in talking to 3 of these storm shelter places, to pin down the cost, one of them said couple hundred to dig the hole. The stone mason told me he knew of a backhoe operator who would clear the foundation spot for $500. If the foundation is backhoe'd out, then dirt or sand or some such can be filled in around the storm shelter when it is dropped into the spot. This would be the property of the corporation, and could be moved at a later date if deemed necessary.
11/28/99 1:34:42 PM,Nancy,Awaiting Michel, Roger, and Shirley on Item #6.
11/28/99 1:35:53 PM,Nancy,So for an additional $1,500 or so, combined with the $2,000 from the Bruce White couple, we could complete this project in line with the wishes of the donors who specified a metal roof. All storm shelters, even the reinforced concrete, have a metal trap door as the entry above ground.
11/28/99 1:35:55 PM,Clipper,Nothing yet from Shirley. I don't think Roger can see anyone but me.
11/28/99 1:36:00 PM,Gerard,(Michel)
11/28/99 1:36:22 PM,Gerard,
I just returned from a phone call with somebody I haven't talked to in ages, so I was absent because of this. (Michel)
11/28/99 1:36:58 PM,Clipper,This sounds like a good idea.
I am going to read item 6 now.
11/28/99 1:37:15 PM,Nancy,Hydroponics also was researched, with the anticipated funded in mind. Our visitor from Japan, Ichi, has been researching over 500 hydroponics sites in Japan, as to technique used and types of vegies and fruits succeeding in commercial environments.
11/28/99 1:37:48 PM,Clipper,This is good!
11/28/99 1:37:59 PM,Nancy,Clipper, the hub of the Universe :-) Quickfinger to Shirley and Roger, etc. Gak!
11/28/99 1:38:24 PM,Gerard,(Michel)
11/28/99 1:40:00 PM,Nancy,I also looked into the sites we point to on the TT site, and then called them for prices or verification of components required, etc. I listed these on the link off the Agenda, but the bottom line is that it seems to me that for $1,000 - $1,500 one could get a 4'x8' or so tray with pump, timers, lights, etc. Many of these major hydroponics suppliers (CropKing and Harvest Moon, etc) are also putting fish tanks in conjunction, so the plants cleanse the fish water, etc.
I just read about item 6 and I vote yes
11/28/99 1:40:11 PM,Clipper,Roger is missing most of the conversation.
11/28/99 1:40:22 PM,Nancy,The motion on Agenda Item #6 passes.
11/28/99 1:40:39 PM,Nancy,Wait! We need to hear from Shirley yet!
11/28/99 1:41:15 PM,Clipper,Yes, to the amendments to bylaws as proposed in Agenda Item 6.
11/28/99 1:41:32 PM,Nancy,The motion now passes.
11/28/99 1:43:16 PM,Ron,Agenda Item #7 states: The President has developed a new Budget with a recommended expenditure plan. The President requests that extensive discussion of this plan be deferred to the end of the Board Meeting, after other business before the Board has been completed ... I suggest that this discussion be conducted on the tt-inc list.
11/28/99 1:43:27 PM,Nancy,So, for another $2,500 we could get a fish tank combo setup, 500 gallons or so. This would be a jump start to experimenting with putting worms, fish, hydroponics vegies, and stuff from outdoor gardens together. Ichi is a professional chef and VERY into creating new recipes. Also, he composts and wants to put a composter in the basement. Worm beds create a liquid fertilizer, etc. This would jump start these efforts, so we can fine tune Solution Sets HERE at the headquarters, etc.
11/28/99 1:44:32 PM,Nancy,Ron, good idea as we are heading to the end of the 2nd hour here, the meeting having gone on for 1.5 hours. I want to ask if anyone has any burning questions on the Budget, what is and is not included, etc., that they want to enter into the log at this time.
11/28/99 1:45:06 PM,Clipper,Nothing here
11/28/99 1:45:30 PM,Clipper,Roger has left the meeting
11/28/99 1:46:44 PM,Ron,I would like to request that a travel item be added to the budget for video production of items that cannot be prototyped or can best be presented by visiting an existing location.
11/28/99 1:46:46 PM,Nancy,To my knowledge, Michel does NOT need any funding at this time. The going projects are production of video for streaming video, building servers that can support this, getting Ron outfitted with an intercontinental antenna as his group builds and takes off (as it IS), and food production setup and experimentation here, taking advantage of Ichi's skills, etc.
11/28/99 1:47:53 PM,Jan,Sorry I messed up with Daylight Savings Time - anybody still around?
11/28/99 1:48:02 PM,Gerard,Yes Jan
11/28/99 1:48:19 PM,Jan,Hi Gerard - is the meeting over?
11/28/99 1:48:29 PM,Nancy,I think I've already got that, Ron, in the Video of Solution Sets detail, the development link. I only put down $1,000 for next year, as this is an unknown at present. However, cheaper to video an existing setup than to BUILD them all, etc. For instance, Jay in Nebraska has many mills in his yard. That's next door!
11/28/99 1:48:48 PM,Gerard,No the meeting is still going on.
11/28/99 1:48:52 PM,Nancy,Jan :-) we're just about to end.
11/28/99 1:48:57 PM,Jurian,just a question, sorry if I'm not supposed to ask things, but I hope you're not planning on using windows servers for the streaming video? too expensive and too unstable.. again, sorry if I'm not supposed to say anything..
11/28/99 1:49:10 PM,Nancy,We are discussing budget item #7, all other voting issues passed.
11/28/99 1:49:47 PM,Nancy,Jurian, we're planning Linux with Apache, NOT windows or MicroSoft. All in agreement there.
11/28/99 1:50:25 PM,Jan,I just made it to the Danish hotel - good to see that you got a quorum even in my absence
11/28/99 1:50:39 PM,Jurian,Good, VERY glad to hear it. If you ever need someone with some linux, Apache, and web programming experience, feel free to ask me.. I'll help if I can :)
11/28/99 1:51:17 PM,Nancy,Jan, did you look over the budget? Any ideas not included in there? I only included those items that I knew were READY for funding and were somewhat costed out to be realistic. This is assuming ONLY that we get the $20,000/year promised (not yet received first check promissed for December) and funding similar to this year otherwise. We may get more!
11/28/99 1:51:19 PM,Gerard,(Michel)
11/28/99 1:51:37 PM,Gerard,I just got a message on ICQ from Roger that he is going to leave ...
I'd like to know if there will be streaming video's that will not be available on video.. meaning, smaller screensize to render animations for, for instance.. for the streaming.
11/28/99 1:51:45 PM,Nancy,Jurian, you're recruited for sure :-)
11/28/99 1:52:29 PM,Nancy,Michel, we plan to put the video content on the server, AND create video cassetts to be mailed out, at cost.
11/28/99 1:52:59 PM,Gerard,(Michel)
11/28/99 1:53:16 PM,Nancy,Development of video will take place next year, primarily, with the snippets on the server(s) hopefully by year end. Then when we have enough content for a cassette, we can develop and dup those. My thoughts.
This saves me a lot of time, as larger screen size means 4 times the render time or worse.
11/28/99 1:53:25 PM,Jan,Shortwave is important, and is on. I would have liked to see some windmill works as well, but nothing to do about the Wisconsin rules and regulations. Sure do hope the fund gets through as indicated!
11/28/99 1:53:39 PM,Nancy,Gerard, bye to Roger and sorry about the apparent NetSplit!
11/28/99 1:53:51 PM,Jurian,ok :) If you want, I can (help) install the web server and the other software on the system, I can also help program dynamic webpages with database support (all using free software) if needed.
11/28/99 1:54:21 PM,Nancy,Michel, have you considered that an animation can play against another background? Perhaps verbiage on the screen, with the animation playing in a corner?
11/28/99 1:54:40 PM,Nancy,Jurian, stay in touch!
11/28/99 1:55:05 PM,Jan,Jurian, I believe you're from the Netherlands, right? If so, there is only a slight transportation problem...
11/28/99 1:55:55 PM,Jurian,I'm from the Netherlands yes, but as long as someone installs linux (I recommend RedHat 6.1) on the server, I can use telnet to install apache and the other stuff on it, so no need for transportation :)
11/28/99 1:56:13 PM,Jurian,If anyone needs my email addy, it's jurian@kabelfoon.nl
11/28/99 1:56:17 PM,Nancy,Jan, Ron and I have been thinking that a trip to Jay in Nebraska (he's the dynamite contributor lately on the Windmill TOPICs) would do more than putting anything up in Wisconsin. We cannot use the headquarters site, due to power line and river regulations. Plus, Jay is miles ahead, has prototypes in his yard of things like car part windmills! Could not do better!
11/28/99 1:56:21 PM,Gerard,(Michel)
11/28/99 1:57:23 PM,Jan,Nancy, how far is Nebraska from your place? Travel by car or how? (Could we combine this some time?)
Nancy, what do you mean?
11/28/99 1:57:54 PM,Nancy,Jurian, I estimate that if we get the funding, and the Board approves development of Linux servers, that my husband could build them from parts purchased in Silicon Valley toward the end of next year, 2000. Do you know if $2,000 apiece for servers sounds reasonable? This is what the estimate is, etc.
11/28/99 1:58:30 PM,Clipper,US funds
11/28/99 1:58:53 PM,Nancy,Michel, I'm thinking of more than one thing on a video screen at a time. For instance, a talking head video against a backdrop of a still photo or chart, or an animation in a corner against a backdrop of text.
11/28/99 1:59:13 PM,Jan,As to the rest of the budget, it looks good. Only problem is its heavily dependent upon that grant, and until it is actually there, I would be careful in taking it for granted (not to be too let down if something gets in its way)
11/28/99 1:59:30 PM,Nancy,Yes, but no one has talked to Jay as yet, though they also are a nonprofit. Nebraska is a day's drive, I think, across a couple states.
11/28/99 1:59:34 PM,Jurian,you can certainly build a good server for $2000, specially cause linux is free.. so no need to buy software :)
11/28/99 2:00:32 PM,Jan,Nancy, would that be a day's drive each direction? Total two or three days?
11/28/99 2:01:01 PM,Nancy,Jan, don't I know that! But we have a duplicate problem of NOT being ready when funds come in. For instance, when the Bruce White couple gave $3,000, $2,000 toward the bermed hut with metal roof, we had NOT gotten estimates to complete and I had, frankly, a red face!
11/28/99 2:01:51 PM,Nancy,Yes, I think we'd save money. Silicon Valley has parts galore, and my husband builds all our computers and my NT server, etc. Labor is free, a gift of time.
11/28/99 2:02:16 PM,Jurian,You should get 256 MB RAM for the server, and I suggest about 20 GB HD (make sure it's a 7200 rpm HD) and at least a 400 MHz CPU. should be a very stable and reasonably fast webserver then
11/28/99 2:02:47 PM,Jan,Nancy, no offense. We may have to have a backup plan in mind, though, in case funds are limited as this year.
11/28/99 2:02:57 PM,Clipper,I think the details of the server can be discussed via email
11/28/99 2:03:07 PM,Gerard,(Michel)
11/28/99 2:03:08 PM,Jurian,yeah, I was just going to suggest that :)
Nancy, right, that I have considered. For the video, which will be TV size ready, I had the idea to use stills in the background, smaller animated scenes in the foreground.
11/28/99 2:03:09 PM,Nancy,Jan, I recall staying in Nebraska when driving across country, and arriving in Wisco late afternoon the next day. I think it would be an overnight stay minimum there, but 2 nights considering that video taping would take place. This should be a SUMMER project, my thinking, or spring earliest.
11/28/99 2:04:03 PM,Nancy,Jurian, we're planning WAY more than that, my understanding. But I'll check :-)
11/28/99 2:04:20 PM,Jan,Nancy, sign me up for that Nebraska ride (provided that my project makes it, though...)
11/28/99 2:04:30 PM,Nancy,Well, I think we're planning more Gigs but not sure on the RAM or MHz.
11/28/99 2:05:24 PM,Ron,I suggest that these multiple thread discussions take place on tt-inc and NOT the board meeting.
11/28/99 2:05:27 PM,Nancy,Jan, we'll be discussing Nebraska again, before any trip is planned, so you'll be notified and we can try to sync it with one of your visits, etc.
11/28/99 2:05:58 PM,Jan,As to servers, I just bought a Compaq including a 17 screen for USD 1,500 (ex tax) - 128 MB, 450 MHz, 10GB. USD 2,000 should do well with the lower PC prices in US
11/28/99 2:05:59 PM,Jurian,Nancy: more is of course better :)
11/28/99 2:06:25 PM,Nancy,Jan, re a backup Budget, we can prioritize what is there, my thoughts. For instance, distribution of Geson's film clip #1. $500/year admin expenses (which must be spent in any case) #2. Seed TEAM support, which has it's own contributor #3.
11/28/99 2:07:09 PM,Nancy,What to fund beyond that is a bit unclear, as to priorities. However, these priorities usually become clearer as the time arrives and contributors express their wishes.
11/28/99 2:07:18 PM,Nancy,Am I MISSING anything from the Budget?
11/28/99 2:07:49 PM,Nancy,Michel, we're thinking alike!
11/28/99 2:08:10 PM,Jan,Re the budget: I agree on the priorities. I cannot see anything missing as of now
11/28/99 2:08:34 PM,Nancy,Ron ,are you motioning to close the Board Meeting? Good idea, as we're 2 hours already. I think we've completed our business today, for sure.
11/28/99 2:08:38 PM,Nancy,A motion?
11/28/99 2:09:20 PM,Ron,I motion that since the oficial business of this board meeting is ended that we now close.
11/28/99 2:09:42 PM,Clipper,I second
11/28/99 2:09:56 PM,Nancy,Remember, the Budget is never in concrete, and can expand as funds or new ideas and opportunities allow. It should be a working guide, and kept up to date to reflect what the corporation is engaged in.
11/28/99 2:10:38 PM,Nancy,A motion has been made and seconded to adjourn the meeting and continue discussion on the Budget items and their importance/completeness on the tt-inc mailing list. All in favor say Yes, opposed say No.
11/28/99 2:10:45 PM,Ron,yes
11/28/99 2:10:46 PM,Jan,Yes
11/28/99 2:10:46 PM,Nancy,Yes
11/28/99 2:10:58 PM,Clipper,Yes
11/28/99 2:11:01 PM,Gerard,yes
11/28/99 2:11:06 PM,Clipper,Awaiting Shirleys reply
11/28/99 2:12:07 PM,Nancy,This was a good meeting, especially as we had a LOT of votes, and got to them.
11/28/99 2:12:58 PM,Nancy,I'll make the changes to the web site, in accordance with the votes. Will take me a day or two. Gerard, this time I'm going to NEED your log, as I twice had a freeze and lost my place, had to reboot, etc.
11/28/99 2:13:07 PM,Gerard,ok
11/28/99 2:14:04 PM,Gerard,I will send you the log
11/28/99 2:14:23 PM,Nancy,My only thought on what we could have included in the Budget, should we get more funding that we're prepared to spend at the moment, is advertising, paid advertising, to bring attention to the Troubled Times site and our purpose and goals, etc. In other words, not get free air time, but buy it!
11/28/99 2:15:21 PM,Nancy,That and more extensive collection of video material from existing prototype sites, though I only know of a couple at this time. Finland for the Wood Gas, and Australia for growing earthworms en mass.
11/28/99 2:15:34 PM,Nancy,In addition to the windmills in Nebraska, that is.
11/28/99 2:15:58 PM,Jurian,Nancy: Feel free to contact me using email, about the server and stuff.. happy to help :)
11/28/99 2:16:31 PM,Clipper,Yes, to adjournment, and discussion of these items on tt-inc.
11/28/99 2:16:38 PM,Jan,Nancy, I agree to some extent, but I do believe it is important to get the current projects up and running first. I think attention to the site will increase rapidly as the weather and earthquakes contine to go mad.
11/28/99 2:16:45 PM,Nancy,The meeting is adjourned.