Sunset Sun
Arkansas, on May 24, 2003
- The photo above is very disturbing and somewhat astonishing to me. I was sitting in my living room here in Little Rock , Arkansas,
looking out my bay window. Just about 5 minutes before sunset, I began to wonder if Planet X could be seen yet. I decided to use my
hand to block out most of the suns rays so I could bear , to some degree, a look at the sun and the area around it. Due to the time I had
before the sun went below the horizon , this was yet the only way I had to view it . The light was fairly intense but although using this
method was primitive, it was effective. I was amazed at the small starlike object below and to the left of the sun.
I immediately bolted for my digital camera and took this photo from outside on my front lawn just a few minutes before the sun went
down over the mountains here in Little Rock. I have seen other photos recently where this same image has apeared and others stated that
they believed this to be Planet X, but the photo that I took today was astonishingly detailed and clear. I once was somewhat skeptical
about Planet X, or should I say, I hoped I could be wrong about it, but after seeing this today, I am a believer that there is definitely
something out there. It was not there in my earlier years of gazing at the heavens.
- Mark, in Little Rock, Arkansas